وصفات - فى اول الصفحه

Fagita meat


1/2 kg using electonic scale sliced fillet using forged chef knife
1Sliced onion using slicer knife
1 sliced green pepper using forged slicer knife
1 sliced red pepper using forged slicer knife
1 sliced yellow pepper using forged slicer knife
For taco sauce:
6 teaspoons red chili using 5 measuring spoons.
5 teaspoons paprika using 5 measuring spoons.
4 1/2 teaspoons cumin using 5 measuring spoons.
3 teaspoons onion powder using 5 measuring spoons.
2 1/2 teaspoons garlic powder using 5 measuring spoons.
1/4 teaspoon salt using 5 measuring spoons.
Mix all ingredients together


Heat a little amount olive oil in favola casserole 2handles , then add the meat , till tender , then add onion , green , red , yellow peppers and cook it at moderate temperature for 20 min.

Serve it hot with fagita bread.

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