
Okra with grenadine molasses

1/2 kg using electronic scale of small okra peeled using forged utility knife.
3-4 tablespoons of olive oil using 5 measuring spoon.
1 cup of chopped fresh coriander on cutting board using slicer knife
5-6 chopped garlic using garlic press
Pinch of salt
1/4 cup of grenadine of molasses using silicone measuring cups.
1/4 cup of chopped nuts using silicone measuring cups.


Heat olive oil in Favola frypan ,and fry the okra for 10 min till tender
Then add the garlic ,coriander, salt stir it using kitchen spatula , then add all of these ingredients in sates pan, then add the water and cook it for 15-20 min on low temperature , then move it away of the temperature ,then add grenadine of molasses and finally add the chopped nuts.
Serve hot using nylon skimmer.

Duration : 15 min
Person : 4
Serve : cold
Budget : low